Type: 1st cycle studies (BSc) and 2nd cycle studies (MSc)
Profile: general academic
Form of study: full-time and part-time
Computer Science provides graduates with a comprehensive knowledge of software engineering and a wide range of present-day applications: from signal processing in medicine, through control systems in technology and industry to generating and operation of information systems for management and administration and home applications.
The work offer for graduates of Computer Science is very broad and covers:
companies producing informatic systems for economic and social purposes (banking and administration systems),
companies making digital automation systems (software and hardware),
medical centers making use of digital apparatuses,
scientific and r&d centers,
leading technical universities in Poland and abroad,
companies with highly automated, computerized and robotized production,
companies producing informatic, medical and measuring equipment.
2nd cycle studies follow the specialization courses:
Computer Science in Medicine and Multimedia Systems
The students are taught the design and use of new interactive information systems for medicine and telemedicine and multimedia systems to be later used for presentations, various advertising publications in the Internet, digital media and computer-controlled permanent teaching. A student acquires theoretical and practical qualifications in multimedia computer interfaces and abilities to process, compress, analyze and automaticallu classify (recognition) various digital signals, including the analyses and syntheses of speech and other sound signals as well as the ability to process and recognize digital images. Among the most important factors contributing to the educational profile of the presented specialization is the use of computer science for medicine, biocybernetics, medical equipment, diagnostic systems, implementation of programs and equipment of specialized machines for the needs of medicine, archive systems and medical signal transmission.
System and Software Engineering
The graduate is very well prepared to undertake a job as: analyst, software architect, programmer, designer or tester, and specialist for the quality of informatic systems. In the didactic process the emphasis has been put on practical aspects of use of modern techniques of software processing at various levels of abstraction: from modern software architectures (SOA, processing in a cloud), through mobile systems programming (Android, iOS and other platforms), present web technologies, database systems (data warehouses, data mining, NoSQL) and also informatic projects (classical and agile methods), ending on providing proper quality of software and certification. The innovative character of the newly creates study lies in incorporating subjects having direct influence on present and practical aspects of work in IT. This makes the graduates most appreciated specialists on labor market, giving them a privileged position when applying for a job. Importantly, the graduates may undertake cooperation with the leading Polish IT companies producing software and practically verify the knowledge acquired during studies. The students may participate in student's exchange programs, e.g. Erasmus, in scientific work at the University (research projects, scientific seminars, scientific circles) and in commercial projects realized in cooperation with industry. This study offers a well balanced mixture of practical skills, which are so important at the beginning of the professional carrier, and knowledge, indispensable for the further development of the graduate. This is one of the most innovative educational proposals in Poland. The graduates have broad perspectives of professional development and possibility of work in the best IT (or related) companies, either globally located in the Małopolska Region or anywhere in the World. They may also start-up their own activity. Persons interested in a scientific carrier will find a meritoric and organizational support in the form of student's practices, and will be well prepared to follow the 3rd cycle doctoral studies.
Computerized Systems for Production and Administration
The graduate acquires informatics-based theoretical, practical and methodological skills which can be used for the implementation and exploitation of information systems for the needs of: manufacturing single- and multi-department industries; administration sector and utilities (government and self-government institutions, banks, stock market, judiciary etc.)
Special emphasis is put on practical knowledge of managing medium and large companies, i.e. MRPII/ERP systems for the production and other departments (financial, personnel, renovating and logistics activities). Moreover, the students will be familiarized with informatic systems for managing a lower level production (MES systems), and also Business Intelligence or CRM. The students will be given knowledge about management methods and algorithms, thanks to which they can learn the functionality of these systems, and also knowledge of their structure and technical informatic aspect. They will be taught system integration issues, especially integration of industrial informatic systems. The student will be also acquainted with information technologies for the needs of cooperation between the industry and its environment with the use of the Internet (mobile systems, internet systems, EDI etc.). The graduate will have theoretical and practical knowledge of designing and managing corporation computer networks; he will also understand methods of managing information and business reporting. He will be familiarized with the techniques and procedures of maintaining systems, and so the critical ones too. This knowledge and skills will help him to administer, service and maintain informatic systems, and also work in companies which design and develop complex systems, and also implement such systems in companies, offices and other public institutions. With this knowledge the graduates can direct implementation projects and also head informatic departments.
Computer Graphics
This specialization is the essence of Computer Science, realized in a specialist Laboratory of Computer Graphics. The classes are conducted by academic staff specializing in: 2D publication graphics, animated 3D graphics, graphics for Internet, computer games, programming theory for computer graphics. Apart from practical knowledge about afore said types of graphics, the student is also taught computer architectures, mathematics for graphics, and also sophisticated software used for graphic purposes. At the end of the study, the MSc diploma thesis in computer graphics is submitted and presented. Afterwards, the graduate can proudly present his/her work as a sample of his/her skills in this field. We are deeply convinced that the graduates can manage in any environment where computer graphics are used or "made". Our graduates will be even more advanced in their programming skills as far as special effects and understanding the core of graphical object are concerned, e.g. a running horse.
Intelligent Systems
This new specialization introduces an innovative approach to the matter and form of the classes. The specialization is focused on producing ambitious and conscious graduates who have broad horizons, profound knowledge and skills as far as creating, designing and developing intelligent systems is concerned. Apart from strictly informatic subjects, interdisciplinary seminars are organized with representatives of business, international exchange and participation in scientific research projects - all this oriented to the student and his development. The students are familiarized with methods, languages and tools of artificial intelligence, use of intelligent systems technology in many areas, e.g. network and mobile applications, robotics, medicine and computer games. The specialization has been divided into three stages: at first the students are given rich knowledge about Artificial Intelligence basics, e.g. knowledge representation and processing, machine teaching, data mining and computational intelligence. Then follow specific methods (Semantic Web, Business Intelligence etc.) and application areas. One of the basic assumptions of this specialization is keeping a close relation with representatives of World's science and business. The students will have contact with representatives of leading informatic companies and invited lecturers from abroad during r&d seminars, during which they can learn new technologies and labor market demands. The students also have a change to participate in student's exchange programs (e.g. Erasmus) and in research works conducted by the University (grants, assistant practices, etc.). The graduates can find employment in all branches related to the development of information technology, intelligent systems in particular. Part of the classes and teaching methods are inspired by the experience of World's best universities, with which our academicians actively cooperate. The graduates have an opportunity to undertake a job in technological institutes, offices designing complex industrial automatics, hardware companies, companies producing informatic systems for economic and social application (banking and administration systems), medical institutions making use of a variety of digital apparatuses.
al. A. Mickiewicza 30
Pawilon B-1
30-059 Kraków