AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Automatics, Computer Science
and Biomedical Engineering

Mission of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, AGH University of Science and Technology

The mission of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering is coherent with the mission of the AGH University of Science and Technology.

Being one of the biggest units of AGH-UST, the Faculty of EEACS&BE is historically the third faculty at AGH-UST which has strongly marked its presence in the Polish scientific circles, and which is very highly appreciated and well recognized by candidates, graduates and employers.

In its over 60 years' history, the Faculty has always concentrated on education of students, education and development of academic staff, and also on research and r&d works, in line with the principle of freedom of education and science.

Sciences are best represented at the Faculty of EEACS&BE, though quite frequently they also find common grounds with natural sciences. A strong connection of technical sciences with the basic sciences opens up the way to innovativeness in technical and natural sciences. This has been strongly marked in all technical science disciplines realized at the Faculty, i.e.: Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Robotics, Electronics, Computer Science, and Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering.

The education system of the Faculty follows the University trends; its main goal is to teach students logical and constructive thinking in various time horizons, take autonomous, optimum decisions, be able to quickly and correctly draw conclusions in a work requiring highest professional qualifications, and employ technologically advanced tools. We encourage our students to go on with lifelong education and constantly raise their qualifications, to be responsible for their decisions and consequences in the technical, economic and social perspective.

Maintaining and reinforcing the Faculty's position requires strong relations with external stakeholders to better adjust the scientific research and education profile to the dynamically changing demands of the labor market and national economy. The activities have to be intensified as far as transfer of technology and incubation of business are concerned.

Strategy of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, AGH University of Science and Technology in the years 2012-2016


The strategy of the Faculty of EEACS&BE AGH-UST is congruent with the development strategy of AGH-UST, as proposed by the Rector's Collegium.

The principal strategic aim of the Faculty of EEACS&BE is to permanently increase its position among other electrical faculties in Poland and Europe. For doing so, the quality of education of all study lines will be constantly increased, research maintained at the top level, and organization will be improved of all levels. Being a large representative of the University, the Faculty may thus guarantee its development and maintain a high position.

Following the assumed mission, the Strategy focuses on goals related to our current capabilities, present and future undertakings as far as education, research and organization and management are concerned.


The strategic educational goal of the Faculty of EEACS&BE lies in maintaining its high rank in the newly created European Space for Higher Education, thus giving education more international character. 

This will be realized by:

  • Adapting a full version of the National Qualifications Framework at the Faculty and developing it.
  • Perfecting the Faculty's Quality Education System on the basis of AGH Rector's regulation No. 2/2013.
  • Creating Faculty's Team for Didactic Audit on the basis of AGH Rector's regulation No. 2/2013.
  • Broadening and updating of education offer of the Faculty (e.g. author's study lines - Electronics).
  • Broadening of education offer in foreign languages.
  • Significant development of international cooperation in education.
  • Increasing the attractiveness of names of the study lines (Computer Science).
  • Continuing education (new postgraduate studies).
  • Systematically elimination of teaching contents, which are repeating in various subjects and at various levels.
  • Starting 3rd cycle doctoral studies in Computer Science.
  • Opening of 3rd cycle doctoral part-time studies.
  • Constant modernization and updating of the Faculty's didactic base.


The strategic goals of the Faculty concentrate on: continuing high level scientific research within disciplines realized at the Faculty; development of contacts and links with industry; acquiring funds for scientific research from Polish and foreign sources.

These aims will be realized by:

  • Obtaining the highest category based on parametric evaluation by the Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Units.
  • Reinforcing the Faculty's position as far as scientific research in disciplines realized at the Faculty is concerned.
  • Supporting Faculty staff in the development of the research base.
  • Stimulation of scientific development of the staff (scientific publications, patent applications and industrial implementations).
  • Maintaining high level of education of academic staff, starting from the doctoral studies level.
  • Activation and supporting activities oriented to finding funds for scientific research by the staff.
  • Increasing the role of grants for periodic evaluation of the staff.
  • Recovery of academic eligibility to confer PhD and doctor habilitatus in Electronics, and gaining the eligibility to confer doctor habilitatus degree in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering.
  • Promotion of scientific magazines published by the Faculty (to be perspectively introduced onto the Philadelphia List).
  • Development of cubic space for the research (Biomedical Engineering, measurements, microelectronics and innovative power systems, with emphasis on photovoltaic ones), participation in investments (building S1, adaptation of building C2 and construction of AGH Power Energy Center).

Organization and management

The organization and management of the Faculty will be optimized to enhance the realization of the assumed education and science tasks.

These objectives can be achieved by:

  • Constantly improved management of particular areas of the Faculty with the management control and risk management systems.
  • Adjusting organization structure of the Faculty to the present needs in view of the Faculty's development policy.
  • Providing stability of staff and academic eligibility to enable the realization of didactic and scientific tasks.
  • Provide better informatization of the Faculty with new informatic technologies in communication and data acquisition (create Faculty's electronic file repository).
  • Rationalization of costs of Faculty activity to reduce time consumption and increase the efficiency of work.
  • Optimization of cubic space infrastructure.
  • Stabilization of financial situation at the Faculty:
  • Optimization of education process.
  • Rationalization of staff policy.
  • Rationalization of cost of education and research activity.
  • Constant improvement of work at the Dean's Office and of didactic process by using new informatic technologies (e-mails, www site, informatic kiosk, own accounts).
  • Activity in acquiring beyond-budget funds:
  • forms of constant cooperation with employers by creating the Social Council.
  • sponsorship contracts.
  • Creating an electronic and traditional system of gathering and analyzing postulates, complaints and innovations.
  • Creating a Promotion Section at the Faculty.
AGH University of Science and Technology
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering

al. A. Mickiewicza 30
Pawilon B-1
30-059 Kraków

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