AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Automatics, Computer Science
and Biomedical Engineering
Social Council at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering

The Social Council was created at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering through the Faculty Board's decision. This is a collegial, social, advisory body acting on behalf of:

  • development and cooperation between the Faculty and external economic units,

  • adjusting the knowledge, skills and social competences of Faculty's graduates of particular study lines and specializations to the needs and demands of potential employers,

  • perfecting educational methods and increasing its standard.

The Social Council can be entered by representatives of companies, institutions, state or local administration offices, associations, social organizations and also individual persons, whose activity is somehow connected with the directions of research or study realized at the Faculty.

Organization, scope and principle

  1. Social Council at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, further called Social Council, is a collegial, social advisory body acting on behalf of: development of cooperation between the Faculty EEASC&BE and outer economic units; adjusting knowledge, skills and social competences of Faculty's graduates of particular study lines and specializations to the needs and demands of potential employers (external stakeholders). The Councils also aims at perfecting educational methods and increasing its standard, in line with the possessed rights and competences.

  2. The current activity of the Council is conducted in Sections responsible for disciplines and specializations realized at the Faculty. Sections are created by the Dean upon the initiative of the head of the Department and after consulting the Dean's Collegium. The Section of Social Council is directed by the head of the Department, or an authorized person. When a specific research is realized at a few departments, the leader is agreed upon by these departments, and approved by the Dean.

  3. The composition of the Council and its sections is established for the cadence of the Faculty authorities. A Section may be composed of no more than 15 members, though in justified circumstances this number can be increased upon the request of the head of the Section and after being approved by the Dean.

  4. The Social Council can be entered by representatives of companies, institutions, state or local administration offices, associations, social organizations and also individual persons, whose activity is somehow connected with the directions of research or study realized at the Faculty. The members are called by the Dean of the Faculty of EEACS&BE on the request of the head of the Section or upon the Dean's initiative, after obtaining approval of the called person or subject represented by him. If the Social Council Member is a representative of an invited subject, the decision is taken by the subject.

  5. The scope of works of Social Council covers the following issues:

    • help in developing scientific-research and technical cooperation between the Faculty of EEACS&BE and external units;

    • activities aimed at adjusting the profile of the Faculty's graduate to the present and expected market requirements, including suggestions of changes in syllabuses, and reviewing changes thereto;

    • incorporating outer units' staff in the education of Faculty's students by, e.g. organizing didactic classes with their participation, supervision or reviewing diploma theses;

    • aiding the organization of meritorically justified and educationally profitable internships, practices and extramural didactic classes;

    • help in monitoring professional development of graduates and their evaluation in the initial period of work, directly after finishing the studies.

  6. The Social Council Members have the right to:

    • Present views and suggestions on the future directions of scientific research at the Faculty, accounting for the needs and plans of development of economy branches represented by these Members;

    • Initiate scientific, technical and didactic cooperation within specializations realized at the Faculty of EEACS&BE;

    • Give opinions on the strategy, plans and programs of the existing and future education directions;

    • Submit projects of changes of the existing directions and specialization of study, and initiate new ones;

    • Give opinions on projects of new documents for the existing and planned directions of research and education;

  7. The entire Social Council meets at least once a year, and this principle is also valid for the Sections of the Council. The current works of the Social Council and its Sections can be settled:

    • At plenary meeting;

    • Through a direct contact of the Members or authorized persons with the Faculty authorities, mainly with the function persons at the Faculty or Department level;

    • By traditional and electronic correspondence, participation in an ad hoc problem group, through questionnaires, etc.

  8. Decision on other matters that are not specified in this document, belongs to the Dean of the Faculty of EEACS&BE, after prior opinion of Dean's Collegium or Faculty Board, depending on the weight of the matter.

AGH University of Science and Technology
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering

al. A. Mickiewicza 30
Pawilon B-1
30-059 Kraków

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