AGH University of Science and Technology
al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków
Transfer title: name of Department (WEAIiIB) , your name and surname, field of study, full-time studies, year of study.
Fees can be paid in EURO or in terms of Polish zlotys (PLN) according to the average exchange rate of the EURO at Polish National Bank in the day of payment.
Fees for term 2 and above must be paid until 30th of September
(winter term) and 15th of March (summer term). Important:
Deadline for payment for the first semester: 15th of October.
Please send the confirmation of the transfer to:
Obligatory polish language classes
Polish classes for international students are obligatory:
at Bachelor programmes – 2 semesters of 60 hours each, 120 hours in total,
at Master programmes – 1 semester of 60 hours.
More details:
The Department of Foreign Languages at AGH-UST
building D-11, room 313
Office hours: Monday – Friday 10:00-13:00
AGH University of Science and Technology
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
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