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The AGH University of Krakow Study Regulations – uniform text applicable from 1st of October 2023

The AGH University of Krakow Study Regulations – uniform text applicable from 1st of October 2023
– bilingual version/wersja dwujęzyczna

Order No. 29/2019 of the Rector of the AGH University of Krakow on July 8, 2019 on the Regulations of charging fees for higher education – uniform text

Order No. 29/2019 of the Rector of the AGH University of Krakow on July 8, 2019 on the Regulations of charging fees for higher education – bilingual version

  1. USOS system – an online module designed for students and teachers

Logging in & important info:

Technical issues, problems with logging in:       

  1. Schedule

Schedule for each course is avaliable here:

Personal schedules can be checked in USOSweb account.

  1. University e-mail account for students

University provides an email account (in domain) for each active student. Students are obliged to use this account for any communication related to the studies or other university matters.

If you have a Polish PESEL number, you can set up an account automatically at:

Otherwise, you need to visit room 505 in building C-1 to set up your e-mail account.

In case of some technical, access and password issues –

  1. Dean’s office

We recommend that all the formalities be handled using remote channels ( Make sure to sign your message with your name and student number.

If you want to submit some documents, you can do it by leaving them in the box, in front of room 29 in B-1 building.

The templates for the most common requests to the Deputy Dean are avaliable for downloading here:
Make sure to address your request the correct Deputy Dean.

If it’s necessary to visit Dean’s office, you should book a visit first. You can do it here:

Click the red button: „formularz rezerwacji online”. Under the „Wybierz usługę”, choose: Kierunek: Computer Science+Elektrotechnika niestacjonarne oraz Obcokrajowcy. Choose the day and hour. Click the blue button „przejdź do podsumowania”. Under the „Twoje dane” type your full name and e-mail address. To confirm the reservation, click „wyślij”. You will receive the booking confirmation via e-mail.

  1. Tuition fee payment


Bank Pekao S.A. O/Kraków

85 1240 2294 1111 0010 7134 9463

IBAN: PL 85 1240 2294 1111 0010 7134 9463



Bank Pekao S.A. O/Kraków

IBAN: PL63 1240 2294 1978 0010 7328 8025



AGH University of Krakow

Adama Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków


  • Transfer title: name of Department (WEAIiIB) , your name and surname, field of study, full-time studies, year of study.
  • Fees can be paid in EURO or in terms of Polish zlotys (PLN) according to the average exchange rate of the EURO at Polish National Bank in the day of payment
  • Fees for term 2 and above must be paid until 30th of September (winter term) and 15th of March (summer term).
  • Please send the confirmation of the transfer to: (Computer Science) and (other majors)

All undergraduate full-time students are obligated to accomplish 60-hour Physical Education course, according to study program:

  • Physical Education 1 –30 hours held in the gym (referred to as PE 1 –gym 30),
  • Physical Education 2 –15 hours held at the swimming pool (referred to as PE 2 –pool 15),
  • Physical Education 3 –15 hours held at the gym (referred to as PE 3 –gym 15)

For details, please visit:


Translation of the PE classes types:

Plan zajęć na hali sportowej – gym class schedule

Plan zajęć na basenie  – swimming pool class schedule

In order to find your class, click on the schedule, look for the name of the Faculty (EAIiIB) and your field of study in short (ex. CSC – Computer science).

 I, II stands for the year of studies.

Contact to the Department of Physical Education and Sport:

  1. Obligatory polish language classes

Polish classes for international students are obligatory:

  • at Bachelor programmes – 2 semesters of 60 hours each, 120 hours in total,
  • at Master programmes – 1 semester of 60 hours.

More details:

The Department of Foreign Languages at AGH-UST

building D-11, room 313

Office hours: Monday – Friday  10:00-13:00


  1. Student card

Exchange students – in order to get a student card you need to pay 22 PLN to this bank account:

Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
85 1240 2294 1111 0010 7134 9463

Transfer title: name and surname, opłata za ELS

Please send the confirmation of the transfer to: (Computer science) or (foreign students from other majors)